
Notices for 23rd February 2025




 10:00am Parishes Communion at Quinton Church.

Led by Rev Mark

11:00am Sung Eucharist at St Edmund’s Church

Led by Rev Julie



 Wednesday Midweek Service at Piddington Church at 7pm.

Led by Brent Klegeris





 Wed 6th Mar

 We are holding Ashing Services” in St Edmund’s (10am) and Piddington (7pm) Churches on Ash Wednesday.

But in order to make the “ash” we need palm crosses to burn. So please bring along your old palm crosses to church. Hopefully there will be a collecting box in your church but if not then either give your crosses to 

either Rev Mark, Gill or Steve Watson.



 2025 is the year the CofE churches review and renew their Electoral Rolls

So very shortly your church’s Electoral Officer will be distributing forms 

for you to fill in. So look out for further details either 

here, in the after service notices or on your church 

notice boards.

APCMs will be held at:-

13th April at Quinton Church

4th May at Piddington Church

11th May at St Edmund’s Church


&  Friday

 “The Well” Community Coffee Morning at St 

Edmund’s, for friends and neighbours. Every Tuesday 

and Friday 10 – 12noon.


Refreshments are available for a donation.

All are welcome. Parking at The Crown pub car park.

 The next Benefice Food Bank collection for delivery for the 

Food Bank will be on Thursday 6th March

Quinton Coffee Morning: Sat 1st March 10.30am-12noon.

Please support themall are welcome.

The coffee mornings are a community event for everyone.

Everyone is welcome to pop in for tea/coffee and cake.

 Sat 8th



Lord Teach us how to Pray – Study Day 10:00am - 2:30pm at Caroline Chisholm School, Wootton, Northampton.

This is in place of the Bishop’s Bible Day. Full details are available on the Diocesan website


The Date


 18th April from 8:30am  Good Friday Breakfast at Quinton Village Hall,

21st June at 10:00am Mini Fete at Quinton Church.

24th Dec at 5:30pm Carols by Candlelight at Quinton 




 St Edmund’s is open most days.

At Quinton call Andy Bailey (07905 202004 ) or Julia Javes (07903 506771).

Piddington is open most days.



Rev Julie Scott

01604 374379

Rev Mark Hurley

01604 345458

Gill & Steve Watson  


01604 870186

Jackie Webb  


01604 871111  

Mike Crouch


01604 862096

Libby Sheppard                   


Chris Else                                            

07801 655143

Emma Dil  

01604 870681


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