Service times & contact details
Here are the service times for the churches in this benefice - we would be delighted to welcome you to any of the services.
There are three churches in our Benefice that have regular services
St Edmund, King and Martyr, Hardingstone
8:30-9:00 1st Sunday Communion
11:00-12:00 2nd and 4th Sundays Communion
11.00-11.35 3rd Sunday CafƩ Church - informal.
St John the Baptist, Piddington with Horton
10:00 Sung Communion 1st and 3rd SundaysSt John the Baptist, Quinton with Preston Deanery
10:00 Holy Communion 2nd and 4th Sunday
Benefice Communion - see notices
10:00 Parishes' Communion 5th Sundays - this service moves from one church to another
Revd Mark Hurley (Piddington, Quinton, Sunday - Tuesday)
Well Springs
14 Woodgate Road, Wootton
01604 345458
Revd Julie Scott
The Vicarage, 29, Back Lane,
Northampton NN4 6BY
Northampton NN4 6BY
Tel: 01604 374379
Edward Kilpin (870764)
Choir Practice
6:45 PM on Mondays - usually in Piddington Church.
New members are welcome. Contact Edward Kilpin (870764).
Bell Practice
7:30 PM Tuesdays - usually in Piddington Church. Contact Ivor Wilde (870162)
How to Find Us

1 Church End, Piddington,
Northamptonshire, NN7 2ER
Churchwardens: Steve Watson (870186)
Jackie Webb (871111)

High Street, Hardingstone,
Northamptonshire NN4 6BZ
Churchwarden: John Wilson (760411)

Preston Deanery Road, Quinton, Northamptonshire NN7 2ED
Churchwardens: Mike Crouch (862096),
St Christopher's Care Home
We are proud to have links with St Christopher's Care Home in Abington, Northampton. St Christopher's aim is to support the independence, choice and preferred lifestyles of all residents in a homely, stable and Christian environment.Safeguarding children and adults at risk
Our benefice and the diocese of Peterborough wish to ensure the safety of all the people within the benefice. To this end we have a safeguarding policy to ensure the protection of children and adults that may be at risk. You can see the policy here.