Bishop’s Christmas Message

As we look forward to Christmas, and as we hear the news that less than half of people in this country described themselves as Christian in the 2021 census, we have some serious thinking to do. Doubtless the purveyors of chocolate, alcohol, luxury foods, toys, video games, decorations, jewellery and books will continue to do well this month: our nation will still celebrate Christmas after a fashion. But Christ is less and less at the centre of it. Increasingly our task as Christians and Churches is to teach again the very basics of the faith, not assuming that people know anything at all about it. The simple Christmas story is a good place to start, but we also need to explain the deeper meaning and encourage people towards commitment. So I have a double-barrelled Christmas message this year. To Christians and Churches I say: Rejoice in Jesus, all that he is and means, and seek to find new ways of sharing him with those around you. To the major...