

Dear Friends
It feels like Advent has crept up on us very quickly this year, and we enter into that time which reminds us that God is with us, in all the topsy turvy oddness of the world, Emmanuel has come.
In Living Brook we will be observing Advent by following the Church of England's 'Comfort and Joy' activities, which different members of the team will talk about each week in our services, starting this week with Angie.
For those of you who are not able to follow morning prayer on WhatsApp or the website, a new prayer booklet will be arriving through your door during the coming week, with services and prayers for Advent that you can use alongside the weekly readings sheet.  
We'd love everyone to make, draw, print out or (if you really aren't into craft) buy an angel to put in your window where everyone can see it. Just as many people put rainbows in their windows in the first lockdown, let's bring Advent Comfort and joy with reminders that God's angels are looking out for us.
This Sunday is about the joy of anticipation - of opening the Advent calendar, or lighting the Advent candle, and preparing for celebrations later in the month. In a difficult year there are things to look forward to, and it's a good idea to remember them and take pleasure in that. But some people are anxious rather than anticipating. They might feel stressed about Christmas, or worried that they will be alone. pray for comfort for them - and perhaps think about someone you know who is anxious or stressed and think about how you can be the source of their comfort. Quite often we can feel both excited and anxious about the same things - so may God help us all to find comfort and joy this week.
May God bless you

We will also be running a digital advent calendar on the website- retelling the Christmas story from the Prophets and the Gospels, accompanied by a Carol chosen to suit the verse(s) - so watch this space or our FaceBook pages! 


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