Christmas appeal Pack a Backpack!

Whilst thoughts turn towards buying presents for the people we love this Christmas, think about others less fortunate and clear some space at the same time for some new presents. Mary's Meals is a charity that provides children in Africa with essentials for school. So if you want to recycle some old children's clothes or stationery items like rulers, colouring pencils and pens, an old towel or even that odd spoon that is sitting in your cutlery drawer...this is your opportunity. Bring your unwanted ...sorry preloved items to church. A full list of what is needed is on the poster below and we will make sure they get to the charity for distribution. There will be a box in each church for individual items or if you have an old backpack sitting unloved in the back of your wardrobe and you can fill it yourself or even donate it for us to fill then prepacked or empty please leave them all for us by the 9th of November. There will be a packing party on the 10th Novemeber at 3pm in St ...