Harvest celebrations

Don't forget, if you like a quiz and good company, as well as knowing that you are raising money for our church at the same time - we have a fantastic harvest quiz.

On Saturday 6th October we have the Piddington with Horton Annual Quiz at 7:30pm at Hackleton Village Hall.

Tickets £8, (£5 Children) inc Ploughman’s Supper, from Jane (870203)Teams of 4 – which can be made up on the night.

In addition to all that we have our Harvest Services:

30th September 11 am - Harvest Communion, St Edmund’s,  Hardingstone
(All donations preferably non perishable will go to the Hope Centre. There will be a light lunch after the service for £3 money raised going to the church funds)

30th September 5 pm - Harvest Songs of Praise, St. John the Baptist, Quinton

Sunday 7th October 11 am - Harvest Communion, St. John the Baptist, Piddington

We would love to see you at one or all of these events


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