Sermon from 29th January, Tom and LBYF

You Don’t Need Money to be Rich 29 th January 2016 As we have just heard in our Gospel reading from Matthew we can see how he talks about how we need to live generously. This made us think of the parable of the farmer in Luke’s Gospel which demonstrates how easy it is for us to not be generous. So as you can see that this parable, even if it has been slightly modified, is very good example of how we should not be living our lives. Our gospel reading today tells us to stockpile our treasure in heaven where it is safe from moth, rust and burglars. With our farmer keeping his treasures on earth he suffered when he was killed as he lost all of his wealth to those around him. Matthew continues on to remind us that the place where we store our treasures is the place where your heart will be and the place where you will want to be the most. For the farmer this meant keeping it all inside a large barn where he could keep it safe and make lots of money from it, but for u...