
Showing posts from 2016

Night shelter looking for volunteers

A new night shelter for rough sleepers in Northampton has been unable to open on time due to lack of volunteers to run the centre. If you feel able to commit to volunteering to help the centre more information about how to volunteer can be found here: northamptonnightshelter

Bishop's Christmas message

. Bishop Donaldā€™s Christmas message can be be found online.

Christmas Services in Living Brook Benefice

Christmas Services in the Living Brook Benefice 27 th Nov 6 pm Wassail and Carol Service Piddington 11 th Dec 6 pm Nine Lessons and Carols Piddington 18 th Dec 3 pm Christingle Quinton 18 th Dec 6 pm Nine Lessons and Carols Hardingstone 24 th Dec 3 pm Crib service Hardingstone 24 th Dec 4 pm Crib service Piddington 24 th Dec 5.30 pm Carols by Candlelight Quinton 24 th Dec 7 pm Carol Service Preston Deanery 24 th Dec 11.30 pm Midnight Mass Piddington 25 th Dec 9.30 am Family Communion Quinton 25 th Dec 11 am Family Communion Hardingstone 1 st Jan 11 am ...

Christmas Tree Festival

Please come and support us and get into the mood for Christmas...Hark are those angels I hear singing?

St. Edmund's celebration

Come and help us celebrate our feast day of St Edmund's!

Services on Remembrance Sunday

Services will be changed as followed for Remembrance Sunday, 13th Nov 2016 8:00 am Said Communion Piddington 10:00 am Service of Remembrance Carey Baptist Chapel,Hackleton 11:00am Act of Remembrance Hackleton War Memorial 10:45am Act of Remembrance Hardingstone War Memorial followed by service at St Edmundā€™s 12:00pm Service of Remembrance Quinton

Living Brook Benefice Celebration Service

  You are invited to the   Celebration of the official union   of  The Living Brook Benefice Saturday 30th July   at 11am at Piddington  Church. Bishop John will preside at the communion, joined by Archdeacon Richard and other special guests. After the service there will be a buffet lunch and a chance to see displays about benefice life, and to support LBYF fundraising for Save the Children.

'Made in Hardingstone' fundraiser

Come and see the collective creative talent in Hardingstone and support the Church fundraising efforts at the same time.

Fund raising fete 18th June

Come and support us raise funds for St. Edmund's Church

Iris Sanders

  Sadly Iris Sanders died Friday morning, but she is now at peace with the Lord and reunited with her beloved ones.  She will be one of the last people who have lived in the villages of Piddington and Hackleton and worshipped in the same Church all of her very long life (96years). She had been an active PCC member and Church worker for many years too, as well as a staunch supporter in her later years. Rest in peace. The funeral service for Iris will be on the 26 th of May at 11.15 am at St John the Baptist, Piddington, followed by her cremation and afterwards at Horton Cricket Club. The family have requested that people wishing to remember Iris do so by giving donations to Piddington Church in lieu of flowers.