
Showing posts from 2015

Christmas tree festival 2015

Happy Christmas everyone! Our thanks to all the community groups and families who contributed a tree to the Christmas tree festival - it really is wonderful to see the church full of these beautiful creations. Over Ā£700 was raised towards church funds, through donations, and sales of cakes, raffle tickets and teas and coffees. It was great to see so many visitors coming in, and also to have such a full house for the crib service, and midnight mass. Here are some photos from the 2015 Christmas Tree Festival , which took place on December 5th and 6th.  Christmas trees 2015

Christingle 20th Dec

Please come along to the Christingle service Sunday 20th at Quinton at 3pm

Christmas Tree Festival and Wassail

Don't forget to come along to the Christmas Tree Festival this weekend!

Discipleship in Action day

Discipleship in Action  day - Saturday 30 January 2016 at Corby Business Academy. Free and open to all. A real opportunity to meet people who are transforming their communities through involvement in Christian social projects, local politics, businesses and schools. Find out how you and your church can be involved; be inspired to start something in your parish; gather information to share with your church. Please let us know if youā€™re coming:    01604 887049. For further information, please contact   01604 887070 

Sunday 29th November

Come and support our young people as they lead the service this week at Piddington at 11am. The service will be followed by a cake and small gift sale in aid of Save the Children.  The young people look forward to seeing you on Sunday.


Just a quick reminder of two FUN draising events coming up. Saturday at 7pm there is a brass band concert at St Edmund's Hardingstone Wednesday 18th Coffee morning at Barbara Faux's  

Christmas Lights Northampton

Thursday NOVEMBER 19 TH 2015 ā€“ approximately 5.30 ā€“ 6.30. (Northampton Market Place) THE SWITCHING ON OF NORTHAMPTON TOWN CENTRE LIGHTS WITH CAROLS BY THE SALVATION ARMY  (NORTHAMPTON EAST BAND) For many years there has been resistance to any sign at this event that Christmas is a Christian festival. This year, thanks to the co-operation of the Town Centre Manager, the Christian connection will be in evidence. This will be enhanced if a good number of Christians are there for the event. So please do your best to be there and to encourage others to also come along.

Christian Counselling Course

The Manna House Counselling Service, Northampton will be running an ACC/OCN recognised OCN Level 3 = 150 guided learning hours ā€œAdvanced Course in Christian Counsellingā€ at The Manna House Counselling Service, 73 St Giles Street , Northampton, NN1 1JF . This course which runs weekly on Monday evenings over 1 year (school term-times approx.)   attracts educational credits and is intended to prepare students for progression to the Level 4 course. (applicants must have completed our Level 2 course or equivalent training/experience prior to this course). The course will start on Monday 4 th January, 2016 (subject to sufficient numbers so the earlier we receive applications the sooner we can confirm that the course is going ahead) (Cost is Ā£675.00 per applicant which includes all notes and student membership of ACC for 1 year. A deposit of Ā£125 will be needed on the 1 st    evening and the rest can be paid in monthly installment...

Early notice for Christmas Tree Festival

You are invited to once again join us and marvel at the fabulous Christmas Trees in St John the Baptist Church, Piddington with Horton. What better way to start the Christmas season, apart that is from also joining us for the Wassail. We would love to see you all.

Coffee morning in aid of St John the Baptist, Piddington with Horton

Come and join us at this coffee morning, where there will be ample time to chat as well as enjoying coffee and cake. There is also some great early Christmas present buying opportunities, as the ladies from Knit and Natter have been busy with their needles making small gifts to sell in aid of the Makeni Centre in Lusaka, Zambia.