
Showing posts from October, 2014

St Edmund's, Hardingstone Flower Festival

Apologies for not getting the photos on the website before of the St Edmund's Flower Festival which was a fantastic event raising an amazing Ā£1325! However, here they are belatedly, but will bring us a lovely reminder of those lovely long summer days which have now disappeared.

Notices for St John the Baptist, Piddington

At the Piddington with Horton PCC meeting last week , two things were discussed which need to be brought to everyone's attention as a matter of urgency. CAR PARKING AT PIDDINGTON CHURCH Parking outside Piddington Church, whilst building work goes on opposite, continues to be a problem. PwH PCC therefore politely ask if the parking spaces by the church wall up to the path to the cemetery be reserved for blue badge holder drivers . The PCC requests, as there are only 3 spaces, that everyone else bringing the less mobile drop them off and then park further up the road. PIDDINGTON WITH HORTON CHURCH FINANCES Some clarification of our bank details has become necessary as there appears to be some continuing confusion - If you need to make a cheque out to PwH for any reason eg. Gift Aid, Donation or whatever please note our account name is "Piddington PCC". The PCC would emphasise that they consider themselves a full united joint parish with unfa...