
Showing posts from December, 2013

Christmas Tree Festival and Wassail

Advent was heralded in at St John the Baptist, Piddington with Horton in the Living Brook Benefice with the Christmas Tree Festival weekend which culminated in the Wassail Service . Much fun was has had by all over the weekend . The Festival raised a fantastic Ā£1,521, our thanks go to all who contributed to making the festival happen, and all those who supported the festival over the weekend. To view more pictures of the fabulous trees decorated on the theme of Christmas no. 1s click on the link below and see how many top songs you can recognise!  Christmas Trees

Youth worker Grange Park Church

Grange Park Church are looking for a Youth Leader, this ia a part time paid role. For job description and to find out more please click the following links: Job description Letter for applications

Burns Supper fundraiser

Come and help us raise funds at our Burns Supper Tickets from Helen Danks 870322

Confirmation celebration

November 17th was a day of celebration in our Benefice, as candidates from our Benefice and the Parish of Wootton were confirmed by the Bishop of Brixworth, the Right Reverend John Holbrook, at St Edmund's Church, Hardingstone.  Family, friends and well wishes from all the churches involved came together to support the confirmation candidates. The service also included the licensing of our new Reader, Heather Crudgington. To see more pictures from the day please follow the link below to the photo gallery. Confirmation pictures