Jean Perkins

Jean Perkins 1945 - 2013

You will all have been saddened to hear of the sudden death of Jean Perkins on Thursday 3rd October. Jean has acted as Editor to Forum for many years together with serving many other organisations in Hardingstone. Hardingstone Church are particularly indebted to her for her years of tireless service. 

Many people have asked about the arrangements for her funeral:-
The funeral will be held on Friday 25th October at 2:30pm at Hardingstone Church. There will be just family flowers, but if you would like to put just one single stem onto the coffin there will be an opportunity within the service.
In addition if you wish to mark the passing of this magnificent lady there will be a "Jean Perkins Memorial Fund", details of which are to follow.
Could you please pass on this information to anyone who you think may be interested.
Many thanks
Rev’d Beverley and the Living Brook Benefice Team
New contact details for The Forum:
Mrs Emma Dil
2 Wantage Close
Northants, NN7 2AG
Tel: 01604 870681


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