
Showing posts from January, 2013

What's in a name - update

The naming of the Benefice, is certainly keeping some of our parishioners busy, particularly those with a passion for the local area's historical and geographical  features and I suspect those with a penchant for word puzzles. Check out some of the new suggestions on the updated post of 'What's in a name' . Remember, the closing date for suggestions is February 5th!

Christening the new parish

Following the APCM around 1:30pm there is a celebrat ion to "christen the new parish ā€  with refreshments, at the Watsonā€™s (3 Salcey Rise). All are welcome from the benefice.

Can you help?

It's finally happeningā€¦work is to start on the new church kitchen and toiletā€¦can you lend a hand? Work on installing a kitchen and toilet facility at Church is due to begin on 4 February. So in preparation of the builders arriving the PCC are looking for volunteers to help move everything from the vestry area over to behind the font in the north aisle away from harm and most of the dust on Tuesday 22 January at 9.30 Any help you are able to give would be much appreciated.

What's in a name?

Our Benefice has started the New Year with changes that have seen the appointment of our new Priest, the Revd. Beverley Hollins, the creation of the new parish Piddington with Horton and the welcome addition of the parish of Quinton with Preston Deanery.  All these changes mean that we need to find a new name for our Benefice. We have received a number of suggestions, which are listed below, but if you think you have a suitable alternative, now is your chance to submit your suggestion to the Revd. Beverley.  The closing date for submissions is the 5th of February. Suggestions we have had to date are: Preston Fields Preston Woods Deer Park Wymersley The Chase Christ the King All Saints and our Saviour  Update: Some new suggestions The Watershed Watershed Ridge Rookery Ridge Danes Ridge Nene Dale Nenedip                        ...

Have Your Say - Electoral Roll

With the creation of the new parish, Piddington with Horton, there are many administrative duties that are required. One of our priorities is to create a new electoral roll for the parish , as this will enable people to attend the AGM and have their say . If you haven't already completed an application form please download one here and return it to Andrew (Freddie) Knowles, The Villa, 15 Main Road, New Hackleton, NN7 2DH. The first AGM of the new parish will be held on Sunday 3 rd Feb at 12:15am. If you want to attend the AGM and vote you must complete a new application form. New churchwardens and a completely new PCC need to be elected; please consider standing for one of these important positions to further Christā€™s Ministry throughout the new Parish.

A poignant passing and a warm welcome

New Year's Eve in our parish mirrored the ending and beginning of a new year, with services to mark the closure of the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Horton , the ending of the parishes of Horton and Piddington and the new beginning of our parish of Piddington with Horton. The closure of St. Mary Magdalene is the outcome of a request to the Church Commissioners to close the church due to the prohibitive costs involved in restoring and ongoing maintenance to the fabric of the building. Many parishioners, with special memories of the church and people who have worshipped there over the years , braved the rain to take part in the final closing service, which was held in the churchyard of St. Mary Magdalene, Horton. The service was led by our new priest, the Rev'd Beverley Hollins, who after the service, led the congregation to St. John the Baptist, Piddington. At St. John the Baptist, the Rev'd Beverley Hollins held another service to mark the start of our new parish of P...