Harvest quiz
We would love to see you at our Harvest Quiz at 7:30pm
on 6th October at Hackleton Village Hall. It is always a fun evening. Everyone
is welcome. (Full details are on the attached poster).
Tickets are available either via this email address or
anyone listed on the poster.
This year the Harvest display in Piddington Church will
be "The Lord Provides" - so if you have any
photos of food, eating, mealtimes, food for animals, or animals feeding then
could you send them electronically to either this address or to Steve Watson at
stephen.watson16@btopenworld.com Can we also say thank you to all the people who have
sent in photos already they are absolutely fantastic. Gill wants to put the
display during next week as there is a wedding on Saturday 6th Oct. (Ideas: Mealtime, a laid table, your favourite meal, a funny
picture/face made from food, an animal eating, food growing)
Hope to see you at one of our Harvest Celebrations.
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